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Cancellation Policy
Each participant can cancel their trip at any time. If cancellation occurs we will keep US$2500 deposit per participant. Participant can find a replacement at any time to transfer the trip over to.
Refund Policy
There will be no cash refunds unless SEABA was unable to provide for the guided service you purchased. If you are concerned about getting weather out and not being able to recoup your monetary losses, then we suggest purchasing travel insurance from or These options allow for monetary recoup of your trip if no services were offered or if your trip gets canceled because of weather or other reasons. Typically these costs are 4-6% of trip cost. We strongly advise trip insurance if you are here for 5 days or less.
Each participant can cancel their trip at any time. If cancellation occurs we will keep US$2500 deposit per participant. Participant can find a replacement at any time to transfer the trip over to.
Refund Policy
There will be no cash refunds unless SEABA was unable to provide for the guided service you purchased. If you are concerned about getting weather out and not being able to recoup your monetary losses, then we suggest purchasing travel insurance from or These options allow for monetary recoup of your trip if no services were offered or if your trip gets canceled because of weather or other reasons. Typically these costs are 4-6% of trip cost. We strongly advise trip insurance if you are here for 5 days or less.